Forum Discussion

stanmott56's avatar
4 years ago

50 banner minimum?

Today one of my guildmates placed only one team on defense. Mind you they have always only placed one and they get the rewards. After this territory war they received an in game message stating they only had 30 of 50 minimum banners and are not eligible for rewards. When did this happen?

24 Replies

  • LendersQuiz's avatar
    Rising Traveler
    3 years ago
    I have to agree with Elizabel when he says that the change wasn't well communicated.
    That being said, as CCyrilS just pointed out, this change happened 3+ months ago.

    I post a bunch of PSAs before the start of every single TW match, the relevant one for today is:

    PSA7 – In order you receive rewards from TW you need to earn at least 50 points. How? All you need to do is set two teams on defense and/or win battles.

    You know what? It takes us nearly 24 hours to fill up all the zones and I still get some members that end up with less than 50 points. I'll even send reminder messages when I see someone with less then 50 before the end of TW.

    Every member knows what they need to do to get rewards. I've posted that PSA over 12 times now. If they still can't be bothered, that's on them.
  • "Elizabel;c-2343570" wrote:
    Oh, so I should keep cycling through every possible screen in the game constantly to see if the devs have changed something that they didn’t bother to announce IN GAME in any way?

    Adding a little line of text in some sub-screen that I haven’t looked at in ages for a feature/event that has existed for a long time and then my lack of knowledge of that little bit of text should not be “on me”.

    It’s on the developers who think nothing of user experience and logical use of the game interface. The expectation that everyone reads the forum all the time is also ridiculous.

    Like I said in my post, I have a life and I don’t care whether the earlier poster feels the timing of my anger is justified or not. It is what it is.

    What I don't understand is how 3 months went by without a single person in your guild noticing. If it takes this long to even figure it out, guess it's not that big of a deal.

    If you have ppl in your guild not getting 50 pts, you should politely encourage them to find a more suitable guild, or at least be happy to be carried in every other game mode that is cooperative. 50pts is easily achievable without even trying, that's why it's set so low.
  • Also, it may be rediculous to assume that everyone reads the forums to stay up to date. However it is NOT rediculous to expect guild leaders and officers to check regularly to stay informed. You have a higher expectation than the average player.
  • "CCyrilS;c-2343777" wrote:
    Also, it may be rediculous to assume that everyone reads the forums to stay up to date. However it is NOT rediculous to expect guild leaders and officers to check regularly to stay informed. You have a higher expectation than the average player.

    Last post: Good
    This post: Not so much

    As an officer, I have no more responsibility to stay informed about the game than a regular member. If you play the game, be informed on the game. That, "let's just leave it to the officers" is why officers are quitting the job and just going back to being a standard player. That and the lack of admin tools in game to keep the cats well herded. :wink:

    I get what you're saying, but as an officer, do you really want players who don't know what they're doing w/o you holding their hand?

    50 points though in TW. Dude, DO something. Set 2 defenses, attack a few teams, help your guild out instead of leeching. If anyone doesn't get 50 and they're not on an excused absence list, it's probably time to replace them.