A problem with buying new characters in game.
Look, before I start getting hate for NOT being a free 2 play player, understand that if everyone playing this game was F2P, it would cease to exist. This is a game I play for an hour or two a day, I enjoy the game (mostly), but I want to point out a rather alarming issue right now.
For those that do spend on new characters in the game... there is NOTHING to do with them right after unlocking and fully gearing them up. Case in point, I have all of the new Bad Batch toons at R7, including Crosshair. I've had this team now fully developed for awhile now YET i have had no way in game to play with this new 5 man team, at least in anyway meaningful. Since the Crossshair unlock, we've finished GAC 3v3, can't use 5 man teams, completed ROTE, no use for the team there especially in the 1 clone mission because THESE clones aren't clones, Squad Arena has no real reward nor benefit from Omis, all of the events are now on sim, these characters aren't used in the raid, and TW which starts play tomorrow I will FINALLY get ONE SINGLE BATTLE attempt with the team I spent quite a bit of money obtaining. I simply ask this of CG, increase the VALUE of investing early in new characters. Give us players willing to buy these characters something meaningful to do right when we purchase them.