Burnt crystals for 100er and 200er refreshes before dayshift, because there was written 19th.
Went to sleep, wake up, and no bonus drops. So crystals burnt.
But a few players were able to have bonus drops? Are you kidding me? E.g. 43 shards for just 750 crystals.
I was not even able to get those, because the fix was even before my dayshift.
Neglect the crystals. Do you know how expensive these are to get outside doubledrops and how long those 43 shards need to be farmed? Nice, now weeks behind, because bonusdrops were stopped.
So, I burnt my crystals in advance, and the outcome is, that I loose even more crystals and are in addition weeks behind those who were allowed to farm.
Oh hey, lets add another day as compensation!
This will change nothing on aboves description and problems!! Give all crystals back and remove bonusdrops shards