Forum Discussion

Yerff_Caasi's avatar
7 years ago

Advice for CLS Prep

CLS has come and gone, and I was nowhere near ready. So I've decided to go ahead and start my CLS prep for next time now, so that I will have plenty of time for anything I need to do.
Where I'm currently at: 5* G6 Luke, 5* G7 STHan, 5* G7 R2, no Old Ben, no Leia.
Basic plan: 7* R2 will require 7* Empire (Palp(L), Vader, Tarkin, Thrawn, RG); farm Luke from Cantina node, buy Luke and OB shards from guild store whenever available, transition to OB Cantina farm once Luke reaches 7*; Farm STHan from Arena store until he reaches 7*, then same with Leia.
Questions: What Gear levels and Ability levels do I need to shoot for in these characters? (Same question for Empire for R2 event as well.) Will I need any Omegas/Zetas to complete the event?

I would appreciate any advice that anyone has to offer. Even strategy advice or suggested changes to my plan would be great.
Thanks in advance!

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