8 years ago
Advice needed
Because of the fact that I was able to unlock shore trooper(krennic/Dt) I wondered which character should I gear...Krennic/DT or shore-Or should I wait until they are f2p farmable :)
(I know 9B)
Currently running a Empire/Sith Team: Vader(5 zetas are missing) L/Emperor/TFP(6* halfway 7*)/Royal guard/Sidious(sometimes I replace him with boba)
By the way: I'm searching for players who want to join my guild^^ We are running 5* raids (and started a 6* Tank Takedown raid just for fun) and we are only 15 members-.- So we definitely need more members.....And I know-This isn't the guild category
(Ally code: 657-518-343)
Because of the fact that I was able to unlock shore trooper(krennic/Dt) I wondered which character should I gear...Krennic/DT or shore-Or should I wait until they are f2p farmable :)
(I know 9B)
Currently running a Empire/Sith Team: Vader(5 zetas are missing) L/Emperor/TFP(6* halfway 7*)/Royal guard/Sidious(sometimes I replace him with boba)
By the way: I'm searching for players who want to join my guild^^ We are running 5* raids (and started a 6* Tank Takedown raid just for fun) and we are only 15 members-.- So we definitely need more members.....And I know-This isn't the guild category
(Ally code: 657-518-343)