Yes aggressive shard chats DO exist. I dont understand why. Yeah as a new member joining the best thing to do is agree to take whatever the lowest available payout is available at your time slot. Once you are in the shard chat, look for another time slot with less or no active people and offer to change your payout time to that. Be careful to pay attention to shard rules and try to be vocal in chat so people remember your name.
To all those who are complaining about shard chats or think they need to go away... you do realize you are being just as angry and toxic as the shard chats you are complaining about? Those toxic shards are restricting other people's ability to get top payouts. Meanwhile those wanting to get rid of shard chats are saying in essence, "If I can't get those rewards I want to lower those rewards so nobody else can get them either".
The best solution is to create your own shard chat or be willing to do whatever is needed to join the existing shard. However dont expect being in the shard chat to guarantee a top spot. You still.must earn your spot in most shard chats.