Forum Discussion

ColredG's avatar
9 years ago

Another Teebo bug?

I am aware of the Teebo stealth visual bug. This post is about a different glitch.

I don't use Teebo outside of raids much, so I'm curious to hear if this glitch is happening in PvP, GW, etc. Or if there is a hidden Raid mechanic that's causing this effect. Here's the problem:

After using Ewok Scramble Tactics, Teebo is supposed to gain stealth for 3 turns. Instead, he is often dropping out of stealth the very next turn. He is not being revealed due to the Rancor's Bellow. I've observed this carefully many times. Teebo simply drops out of stealth on his own on the very next turn.

Now, I've tried to figure this out. My thought was that maybe the same turn Teebo activates EST is considered the first turn. Since he regains 100% TM instantly, and I then use Stealth Takedown, this could count as the second turn. The NEXT turn would then be the THIRD turn, and Teebo should remain in stealth for that turn, but he is becoming visible on that turn instead. If the activation turn is not counted, Teebo should actually remain in stealth for TWO more turns.

If this is a glitch, it seems that it's most likely a bugged interaction with Guerrilla Warfare, Teebo's passive stealth mechanic. When stealth is granted by GW, it only lasts one turn. Perhaps the game is still checking to apply GW, even when EST is active. If so, the GW removal timer may be overwriting the EST removal timer.

The only other explanation I could think of is that the Rancor has a hidden mechanic that has a chance to remove stealth passively. I could find no documentation to support this idea.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
  • Figured this was a known issue. I thought this post might be that Teebo's attack that removes all positive status effects also removes Dengars tenacity down.
  • "Sticare_Courts_0073;540778" wrote:
    This IS the Teebo bug.

    I thought the Teebo bug was simply the fact that sometimes he would appear to be in stealth even though he didn't have the stealth icon, and therefore was not actually in stealth. I apologize for the repost then.

    Is there a known workaround?
  • "Colred;540784" wrote:
    "Sticare_Courts_0073;540778" wrote:
    This IS the Teebo bug.

    I thought the Teebo bug was simply the fact that sometimes he would appear to be in stealth even though he didn't have the stealth icon, and therefore was not actually in stealth. I apologize for the repost then.

    Is there a known workaround?

    Yeah, your first post is the main issue, this one is one of the secondary issues. :)
  • scuba75's avatar
    Rising Rookie
    No know work around and Dev's do not know how to fix it. They tried once and broke him even more.

    BTW if you Omega scramble tactics that is broke also.