6 years ago
Arena is back to mirror matches...BORING
Before all the recent changes, the nerfs, buffs etc the arena was pretty fun to play. Now its all mirror matches all the time.
I have both Revans and it has become more like work to climb everyday instead of a fun game. These mirror matches are never ending.
I long for the rock paper scissors meta at least I actually prefer more like 5-6 so you have to actually think of ways to beat your opponents like in grand arena. I feel it takes far more skill for Grand arena than in Squad Arena yet the payout is hugely different...smh.
I guess Squad arena is simply there to remind everyone of the pay gap that keeps increasing in this game. If you have other thoughts or explanations I am curious to hear. I don't think squad arena shows who is in fact the best more like who whales the hardest at any given time.
I have both Revans and it has become more like work to climb everyday instead of a fun game. These mirror matches are never ending.
I long for the rock paper scissors meta at least I actually prefer more like 5-6 so you have to actually think of ways to beat your opponents like in grand arena. I feel it takes far more skill for Grand arena than in Squad Arena yet the payout is hugely different...smh.
I guess Squad arena is simply there to remind everyone of the pay gap that keeps increasing in this game. If you have other thoughts or explanations I am curious to hear. I don't think squad arena shows who is in fact the best more like who whales the hardest at any given time.