8 years ago
Arena Shard Change
Let me put something out there that was an idea my guild leader had... Can we say every month or so be changed to a new arena shard, randomly? Would prevent shardmates from working together or b...
"PremierVenoth;1007964" wrote:"Fahrius;1007943" wrote:
where would everybody start? at rank 20? 150? 14.000?
That's not terribly hard - I'm sure CG has ranks over time in their database -- we have it on that other site that keeps track of your teams and lets you post it up!!!!!
So, keeping it semi simple, say you were in 200th place for 100 days, 100th for 50, 50th for 10, and 10th for 1 - you average it all out -- so that's 25501 places divided by 161 days - allow for A LOT of figures to fix any ties -- so your meta rank would be 158.39130434782608.
New Leaderboards would allow people a new chance to up their meta rank by getting to the top and staying their
These figures inherently have the age of account in them -- so each Leaderboard restart has the players sorted in an algorithm based on age of account and also meta rank. Adding in RNG within statistically closely ranked leaderboards/ages would further break up 'shard mates.'