Forum Discussion

LudoStrom's avatar
7 years ago

Asajj inconsistency

Previously it was stated that it is intentional that Asajj doesnt have SITH tag.
Now, she got a prestigious event called 'SITH AGENT'. The requirement is partly to defeat jedis.
The thing is that Asajj doesnt have SITH tag, so she cant be used in the Assault Battle alongside the other SITH&FIRST ORDER tagged units ergo, she cant kill jedi (I know she only have to be present at the battle and there are also many other places to kill jedi, but come on, this is a jedi slaughter event I am talking about and Asajj is a Jedi slaughterer)
Now the question rises again:
Is she a sith? If she is, why does not have she the SITH tag? (Obviously game balance reasons, I know, but the question still stands)
And if this is a post-sith era version of her, why does she have the outfit she wore at the Battle of Kamino, where she was present as the apprantice of Dookou?
Can we get a clarification on this?
And maybe, can we get her allowed to be used in the Places of Power assault battle (without adding her a SITH tag)?