Forum Discussion

stevesaint74's avatar
8 years ago

Balance.. what do you think it means?

I read the word ‘balance’ in so many threads on here but it’s used is so many ways and it appears to have several meanings, so could someone clarify?

I thought balance would mean that each character or team set up would have a counter team capable of beating it... hence balance.
I’ve read others using ‘balance’ too in this sense also.

I’ve read others applying balance to mean better geared teams should always have an advantage over poorer geared teams while seemingly ignoring other factors such as gameplay.

Others yet, take balance to mean more than exclusive toons should hold an advantage over other toons. Another interpretation is that balance should apply to offense v defence capabilities.

I realise multi meanings can exist, but as some who doesn’t really play games online other than this one, I never quite understand the true mean of the term in swgoh context.

Sorry for long text.

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