Forum Discussion

Tabub's avatar
7 years ago

Battle spectating/recordings

One thing that I have always thought about when playing swgoh. When my team loses in a TW or i drop hard in arena, I want to know what happened and what my team did poorly and what they did effectively.

Adding a function in the game to spectate attacks carried out on your arena squad and/or on your guild mates in TW. Not only would it be a fun feature to add for people who want to watch some extra swgoh battles play out, it would also help everyone improve on their teams so they know what their team needs when it comes to defense.

This would be especially crucial when it comes to making TW teams; you would be able to see whether one team is more effective with a taunter or if you can spare your taunting tanks for other teams that need it more, for example.

I think this would be a very good addition that would make life so much easier when you just can’t make a decent TW squad.

6 Replies

  • As a huge fan of strategy in the game, I would love to see something like this. I'd also love the enormously popular idea of mock battling guild mates.
  • I so wish we could have this since TW launched. Couldn’t imagine the data it would take to let us all replay battles all the time.
  • This would be one of the best additions they can add to the game
  • I'm sure a lot of people would be on board with this, but I think it would go a long way for them to add in a feature where you could spectate battles in TW, or rewatch the aftermath. This would be a great learning tool to help tell guildies where they may have gone wrong in the fight.

    At the very least i think we should be able to click on a team and see what teams had been used in previous attempts.

    From an officer/leader perspective it would go a long way towards managing TW as well. You can see which members are picking terrible matchups and hurting the guild, or you could see if any members are just collecting easy banners and not attempting to take out higher quality teams. I think this addition is highly desired by a large portion of the community and would get utilized in some aspect.
  • I'm sure it's possible but the infrastructure to support this may not be built into the system as it is now.

    It would be a great addition, but might be more to build that then you would think.
  • Believe me when I say this, you really don't want to see it. It will frustrate you to no end. My guildies and I are all in the same shard and we video record the fights to make it easier to make adjustments after seeing how our defense plays. You are losing because, well, it's designed that way.