Yeah, this was the first group I spent enough money to day one it, and I feel totally burnt about it. Between this, the fleet tragedy, and not being able to beat anything but tier 1 of this new AB with an R5 Death, G12 Night, and G10 Enoch (don't have the zetas and mods aren't there yet), I'm finally feeling the disillusionment that so many others are feeling. I'm sure they don't care about one dude's money, but I'm definitely not spending more, and not out of some angry protest. I just don't trust that it's going to be worth it anymore. Maybe I'll re-evaluate if it feels like they're actually going to put any effort into course correction, but they'll probably just continue to try to mask this mess with an occasional free pack or something. People have been flipping out about this stuff, and they still have not said a word about it.....