Pure BH needs cleanser, taunter, buff immunity, dispeller, daze, stagger in whatever rework they receive. They currently get stonewalled by any team with tenacity up and/or cleansing. The speed boosts and TM gain from thermals is antiquated and not viable due to cleanse. The crit synergies are still excellent but until they have better control abilities as a faction it just doesn't stick long enough to matter.
Vet han and chewie are a great step towards a meta-capable squad but aren't BH tagged, just scoundrel. I currently run first half of GW with boba fett, IG88, lando, vet han, vet chewie (both at 3 star) with typically good results. The control and tankiness from vet han and chewie is under-appreciated and once they are farmable I think they will get the respect they deserve.
This of course would be nice to integrate into a full BH rework. I agree that aurra sing, Hondo ohnaka, and embo would be killer. Basically everyone on that great Clone Wars episode where they all face off and have to evac that farming town in season 1 or 2.