Forum Discussion

RawBeats's avatar
7 years ago

Character Release Cadence and Talzin, Zombie, Spirit, and Wicket

Nearly two months ago(Jan 23, 2018), a CG Dev posted:
Starting today, the following Character Shards will be made available in Shipments. Going forward, you’ll also see them in more traditional farmable locations. These characters will also continue to appear as rewards in their respective recurring events.
Mother Talzin
Nightsister Zombie
Nightsister Spirit

My feedback/question is where are they? “Going forward,” sounds imminent and nearly immediate. Citing another Dev post regarding the “Character Release Cadence,”
After the end of these events, we are going to wait for approximately four to six week to move the characters to Chromium packs and/or relevant Category packs and/or the Shard Shop (we’re still designing this part of the deployment).
From there, after another four to six weeks characters will move to either a Shipment or a node on the Light, Dark, or Cantina Battle tables

At this point, the above listed characters have been in Shipments for seven weeks! Not to mention these characters have been in the game for 5-6 months and not readily farmable for anyone outside of premium currency spenders.

Any communication would be appreciated, since, in my humble opinion, the parameters and constraints put into action for character releases has been broken for these characters (and others). But these characters were specifically mentioned seven weeks ago as imminent release “to the board.”

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