"LastJedi;525901" wrote: Mind=blown. How u even make that connection.... :)
I've done several star wars RPGs in the past and some would have puzzles to manipulate while fighting the raid boss. I would be disappointed if they didn't come out with at least one
I feel like an idiot posting this here because this thread will likely get merged with the mega on the subject where i posted this a little while ago and then it's going to look like a double post. But here is my idea on what the teaser is.
A new raid with a totally new design. Each raid is made up of 6 battles (represented by the 6 plus signs). Every member can pick which of the 6 battles they want to attack. They can use all 5 attempts on one enemy or attack 5 different enemies once, or whatever they want. 1 battle may be against a Krayt dragon where certain toon types get a boost (jawas and tusken). 1 against a separatist tank (clones and jedi get bonus). Etc. Damage for each battle is cumulative as it is for Rancor. So multiple people can attack the same enemy and stack up the damage until its beaten. But guys who have farmed that random Jawa team are going to finally get to have a use for them on a regular basis and have an advantage for particular battles (encourages farming/spending to widen our rosters further). As each enemy takes damage the little dots above the + sign fill up to represent how close the enemy is to defeat, and the + turns green when that enemy is done. The little black box next to each + is where a picture of each enemy will go for quick reference (obviously couldn't put it in the picture cause it would totally spoil it).
Maybe once all 6 enemies are beat it even opens up a 7th and final enemy that all members get to attack. Or it makes it so that we can then use the activated card (all lights green) to unlock something, either as a guild or individually.
I think it's ships, or something else that requires characters of different classes. There are seven circles above each spot, which corresponds to the number of stars a character can have. I think you plug characters of certain classes (maybe not all in the game yet) into the spots, e.g. a Pilot in the arrow, a Droid in the square, etc. The green plus indicates you have one or more characters of the appropriate class available for that slot. The small squares would show the equipped character's icon.