Old thread, I know. You can also try Padme lead with Rex, GMYoda, and two other Galactic Republic characters (preferably at least one good attacker, e.g. GAS, JKA). Galactic Republic chars start with Protection Up and can't be debuffed while they have Protection Up. That will take care of any thermal detonators from early attacks they make on you before your first move. Make Rex your fastest character in the group and use his Form Up ability on his first turn to grant everyone Tenacity Up for 3 turns. When that gets close to expiring, use GMYoda's Battle Meditation for two more turns of Tenacity Up. If you have decent gear and speed on these chars, you should be able to finish the battle without the Jawas landing a single thermal detonator. And you don't even have to worry about not using AOE's when you have Tenacity Up, so AOE at will.