9 years ago
Current mod challenges design isn't right. Devs read this please.
I hope someone from EA will read this and do something in next updates. Im a hardcore player and I like everything, but right now we have too much RNG with mods. It has random rarity, random grade, random slot, random stats and random stats increasing. Lol WHAT?! Are we playing a strategic game or are we playing casino or lottery??? I like and agree with everything BUT NOT WITH random rarity and random slot. You can farm a mod that you need (rarity, grade and slot) with stats that you need half a year or even more. Lol WHAT?! And then after you got this mod you will see RNG again and stat that you need won't increase, and after half a year of pain all you have is useless mod. Is that right and what you wanted to introduce to our community? I hope not! I still like the RNG with random grade, random stats and stats increasing but random rarity and random slot... it's just too much, we aren't in casino, everyone should understand it. Can you at least remove 3 and 4 dot mods from last challenge (16 energy)? It's just not fair, if we decided to farm last challenge and spend a lot of energy we must get only 5 dot mods. Or can you give us a possibility to farm slot that we need like in mod battles? Because it's just unreal at the moment. Just remove something from current RNG levels, we can't have so many levels of RNG, thank you!