Forum Discussion

NotSikho's avatar
9 years ago

Datamined new FO abilities

Regarding the Advantage changes (now grant 100% crit for the next attack)

From Reddit :

FO Storm Trooper

Basic: Deal Physical damage to target enemy with a 50% chance to inflict Speed Down for 1 turn. This chance is increased to 100% on a Critical Hit.

Special: All allies gain Defense Up for 3 turns and First Order Stormtrooper gains Advantage for 2 turns, with a 50% chance to also gain 40% Turn Meter.

FO Officer

Basic: Deal Physical damage to target enemy. This attack has +20% Critical Damage. If any ally has Advantage, this attack is a guaranteed Critical Hit.

FO Tie Pilot

Special: Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Offense Down for 2 turns on a Critical Hit. If First Order TIE Pilot has Advantage, also inflict Health Down for 2 turns.


Basic: Deal Physical Damage to target enemy and inflict Defense Down for 2 turns on a Critical Hit. If this attack is not a Critical Hit, Phasma has a 50% chance to gain Advantage for 2 turns instead.

Leader tier 6: Whenever an ally attacks, they have a 20% chance to call a random ally to Assist, dealing 15% less damage. This chance is doubled if the attacking ally is First Order. If that ally had Advantage, they regain it for 2 turns. (Tier 7: remove the -15% damage)

Special: All allies gain 50% Turn Meter and Advantage for 2 turns.
  • These changes seem great for FO overall. Do consider that any toon with Advantage will keep critting, even when summoned by Phasma's leadership ability. This means, the amount of crits in this team will be huge.

    FOTP gains new abilities on his special, which is great, since it already has 100% crit rate if played right.

    FOO will become relevant throughout the battle and not just for the first few turns. I'll be glad to trade that for some damage reduction.

    With regards to Kylo and his Outrage skill and these guaranteed crits, well... In time we shall see. I for one am gonna 7* my FOO right now.
  • I've started farming those extra stars for FOST. He was great early on and I'm hoping he becomes useable now. Already have Phasma and Kylo maxed, FOTP at 4 shards to 6 stars. I really want to get FOO but most probably will 7 star my 6 star Daaka and Fives.