Thanks for the opportunity to ask questions.
My first question is: with all the money being spent on this game do you actually intend on hiring a customer service staff capable of reading complaints and responding as opposed to the current staff that cut and pastes the same response sending us to the message boards. The current setup is unethical and discouraging.
2: can we request more content that is F2P? Even if the rewards don't advance characters as meaningfully as the current energy/cantina, something to do during the day would be nice. Possibly a way to earn extra credits or energy units?
3: character balancing, please address. The boards are full of complaints regarding these issues. Mace Windu and Poe are the top 2 in my book.
4: I like the new Global war. It is challenging and requires a number of heroe/skills. Can we please get another challenging piece of content like global war? Keycard battles are lame. Please replace them with something meaningful.
5: I am all for P2P, but the current system of chromium shards is lame. Can you either A) intermittently bring in packs (heroine/droid pack etc) or bring in another product like chromium packs with more narrow scope of heroes offered as rewards? In the end game a 4* character is useless, and it makes spending money much less rewarding to our game experience. Also on this stream, I love Darth Vader, but the fact the game allowed cheaters to get him to level 7, now he is limited to 5*, which means that he has no endgame potential, is frustrating.
6: Finally, your customer service is ridiculous. Please hire functional, intelligent human beings to address our concerns.