Forum Discussion

ZackBarresse's avatar
8 years ago

Dooku so OP

This isn't the first time this has happened. Fought a team in Squads, the other team has only Dooku left, I have 5 peeps. 3:30 remaining. It came to a draw... Are you kidding me?? An effing dra?? He gets his health back WAY too much too fast. It's just stupid watching the fight progress. It's way too OP. Please for all that is holy scale him back a bit. He shouldn't be able to take on a good team of five - and survive!
  • Dooku under nihilus lead is ment to gain health back and if its a zeta nihuils its easy for him to take on a full team. Unless you can stun, shock or heal immunity on him its the only way to shut him down.
  • Dooku Vs. STH taunt, enjoy the extra turns and use it to your advantage. Having a stunner helps.
  • Daze will also prevent him from countering and you can take him down. He's not just need to change your paper to rock.
  • Think we need a sticky for "I can't beat X, he's way to OP" and we can all put the strategy in that thread... and it probably won't do much............ but at least we can send people there rather then re-writing it again and again and again.
  • Pretty comical how every time there's a
    toon who's a good arena character, somebody wants to nerf them just because they couldn't beat them... You hear people complain about Wiggs all the time as well as Dooku and Zeta Maul.

    Certain guys require certain strategies to beat. If you refuse to adapt your team, then they will always be unbeatable for you. If you wanna beat Dooku, figure out how other people do it and copy that strategy. Just play the game and stop whining about not being able to beat them when other people do it all the time!
  • Thanks for the responses everyone! This was my first post. I was blown away after that battle. The gist of it was 5 Jedi vs. 1 Sith. I just couldn't believe he actually beat me.

    This is completely in the wrong forum. I wasn't sure where to post. This is more of a "I can't believe what happened, tell me what I did wrong?!" post, and I realize it's not a bug but how the game play was developed.

    I'm still learning how to play the game and am really fairly new still (been playing it about 6 months). Sometimes I'll come across things which just surprise the hell out of me - this being one of them.

    I'll find the correct forum and post. And yes, I need to git gud. ;)
  • I see alot of you guys saying that nerfs shouldn't happen and that people should stop complaining etc. etc. My question is: is that still true when it comes to Chirrut and Baze?
  • As only a mildly-experienced player, and a developer myself, I know this in-game balance can sometimes be like a house of cards - all very precarious with small changes having vast reaches. I've been doing some research, and even with a power team like Chirrut and Baze, having effective counterparts can be helpful, and often key. For example:

    I'm not saying they're balanced per se, but I am saying pair it like you would a wine with your meal. Oh, and this thread isn't about that, so, prolly should post it somewhere else. :)