9 years ago
Droids Fight Back event important information:
Just started for me, it's fun, I like it, I'll edit more in after posting this because there's an important bit to point out that isn't immediately obvious:
In other words, you get two attempts per day and that's it. So do it at the highest level you can conceivably complete. I didn't see this listed in the event update info they posted in the announcements earlier. Luckily for me, I really wanted to try out the Bonus Tier first because I thought my droids were good enough. They weren't, so I tried the next tier and beat that. So then I noticed that I only had 1 more attempt for the day...
EDIT: So, okay, now the good news--The event is potentially very, very fun. I say potentially because I'm just at that cusp where T6 is trivial and Bonus Tier is impossible (Need at least one more gear level on each droid.). If I was a little stronger and could complete the Bonus Tier, it'd be great. Or a little weaker and T6 was more challenging. As is, I see a lot of potential fun in this thing.
The rewards could honestly be a little better... They're pretty light. But considering it doesn't cost any energy or take very long, it's alright. You can refresh the event for crystals, but honestly I don't think it's worth the price... I think maybe the next time the event comes around it'll be better--they're going to look at the lack of refreshes and see how they can entice people into spending more crystals. So it's a problem that'll fix itself.
So, all things considered--Good event, can easily be better. Thanks!
In other words, you get two attempts per day and that's it. So do it at the highest level you can conceivably complete. I didn't see this listed in the event update info they posted in the announcements earlier. Luckily for me, I really wanted to try out the Bonus Tier first because I thought my droids were good enough. They weren't, so I tried the next tier and beat that. So then I noticed that I only had 1 more attempt for the day...
EDIT: So, okay, now the good news--The event is potentially very, very fun. I say potentially because I'm just at that cusp where T6 is trivial and Bonus Tier is impossible (Need at least one more gear level on each droid.). If I was a little stronger and could complete the Bonus Tier, it'd be great. Or a little weaker and T6 was more challenging. As is, I see a lot of potential fun in this thing.
The rewards could honestly be a little better... They're pretty light. But considering it doesn't cost any energy or take very long, it's alright. You can refresh the event for crystals, but honestly I don't think it's worth the price... I think maybe the next time the event comes around it'll be better--they're going to look at the lack of refreshes and see how they can entice people into spending more crystals. So it's a problem that'll fix itself.
So, all things considered--Good event, can easily be better. Thanks!