Forum Discussion

mconnolly13's avatar
6 years ago

Easy fix to GA non-participation

To start, let me state that I despise GA and I’m clearly not the only one. While I’m fortunate enough to have revan and traya, I still don’t find PvP activities enjoyable. If you want to stop inactives from joining in, you need to incentivize opting out. While a lot of people are quick to say no one is forced to join, that argument is misguided. This game is designed around creating bottlenecks which is why every player wants to grab as many resources as they can get their hands on. While no one is forcing players to hit the join button, any rational person is going to hit it since getting something is better than getting nothing.

Possibly rewarding players with something that’s better than last place should keep a bulk of the inactives away since joining GA would then be disadvantageous. While I’m sure people will make the argument that non-participants should never earn more than those who put in work, i would hope that the improved state of the event might be worth the concession.

Also, before I get flamed, I’ve always set full defenses and a few times, have even messaged opponents in game to ask if they had any defensive requests. In my personal case, I get very obsessive compulsive with PvP and I feel the need to study my opponents rosters, mods, anticipate which teams will show on D, which hard counters they do and don’t have for my teams, etc... which I don’t particularly enjoy but feel compelled to do. I also don’t have the time or desire to theorycraft defensive teams and offensive counters. But that’s my issue to deal with and i hope a little insight from a non-GA fanboy could help the event since I know a lot of people do enjoy the game mode and it’s a shame that those people are suffering because of others.

I’m interested in people’s thoughts about this.