Forum Discussion

jimirecard10's avatar
6 years ago

Ewoks for C-3PO event

It’s another ewoks post about C-3PO event..

I know there are/were a few threads about the premium or necessary ewoks being Chirpa, Wicket, Logray, Paploo and Elder. I always saw posts about not having Logray or Wicket but never saw anything about using Teebo instead of Paploo. I already had Teebo 7* and needed to farm Chirpa in Cantina so that’s why I only have Paploo at 6*.

I have a zeta on Chirpa and two more full zetas at my disposal. My team will be zChirpa (G10), Logray (G12), Wicket (G12), Teebo (G9) and Elder (G12) by the time the event comes around. Aiming for 7* of course.

I know the event is very rng-based, but should I be worried about not having Paploo in there??

Thanks in advance for advice.
  • "Manumicio;c-1871485" wrote:
    The point about Pabloo, is that he dispells buffs every time he hits with his basic, what often will be the turning point in winning the event or not at 7*.

    But i think with good speed stats on your murder bears you might still do it, but you'll need time & RNG of course.

    I plan to put arena mods on them so hopefully speed etc won’t be a problem! Fair enough, thanks for answering.

    At least the event runs for 7 days. Gives plenty of time to do attempt after attempt; though it’ll be tedious if rng is against me.
  • "CaesarAM;c-1872411" wrote:
    And I liked Scout for the event a lot. I didn’t have Wicket for it and used Scout with jacked up potency. The TM removal on his basic was a huge help.

    He's under-rated.