Forum Discussion

azzcollier's avatar
3 years ago

Faction Server Arena - I.e. scoundrels only

This is just another bad idea wondered what the thoughts are on a Mini faction arena. The Grand Arena would obviously take precedent but having a Scoundrel’s Only arena or Galactic Republic Only arena would allow you to play your favourite characters more?

Anyones Thoughts
  • So you can only use one faction and only against that same faction?

  • Most game have modes these days. Why have different modes of the same game? Scoundrel only or galactic republic arena would be an easy way to add new content and gamers can focus on their preferred arena rather than a Galactic Legend Arena.
  • So instead of a GL arena, you’d rather see an arena composed of mirror matches of the strongest team of that faction, which you’d mostly likely be using as well? That doesn’t sound better than what we already have in arena.
  • @Xcien might be best if you read my OP. It should answer your question. But if you can’t be bothered, it was in addition to the current Arena set up. The main Arena which is full of GL’s, that would stay as the main arena and separate smaller arena’s (faction only).
  • @Xcien might be best if you read my OP. It should answer your question. But if you can’t be bothered, it was in addition to the current Arena set up. The main Arena which is full of GL’s, that would stay as the main arena and separate smaller arena’s (faction only).

    Well, that doesn’t make it much better. Playing against one faction using that same faction in arena wouldn’t stop the mirror matches in arena, it might even make it worse.
  • It doesn’t make it much better? The only team I use is my arena team apart from conquest whenever it happens. Other than that, my arena team twice a day.

    My idea would allow other people to use their full roster and gear up toons for their preferred arena. If you preferred arena is the current one, great! If you had options to focus on another arena I.e empire, bounty hunters, Jedi, surely this would enhance game play and experience?

    Main Arena

    Your strongest squad (typically a GL)

    Mini Arena’s (non-GL)

    Bounty Hunter
    Galactic Republic

    These are the main factions that have loads of great characters but have no use apart from the odd tw, gac or conquest that happens every blue moon.

  • Apart from Conquest, and arena...

    TBs, TW, GAC, ship arena, misc events...

    Yes not all of these are every day, but more days than not, you are using others teams than your arena team.

    With the shifts we are seeing in the updates to game modes we have, I dont see this as a good addition to our current time in game.

    I dont dislike the idea, although it may need some tweaks, but I dont think we need more things to do in game at the moment.
  • Fair comment.

    The way I play and I know everyone is different, but once you’ve done your daily’s, that’s pretty much it. Nothing else to do.

    If conquest is on, I probably wouldn’t be saying what I’m saying. It’s just stale when there’s nothing to do. It’s like, I want to play the game, but nothing to play.

    I don’t like comparing to MSF but the faction mode could with a real time arena. Like I say, it might not be suggesting it if conquest.

    I think having something like this though you will open the game up even more. I know the focus is on GLs but it would be nice to be able to focus on doing up teams for a reason other the to collect a GL.