"Shaddes;c-1853275" wrote:
We’d need to get an episode 3 kenobi before fallen anakin imo. That would probably be a legendary, maybe even heroes journey with GK. Then we’d have both padme and kenobi as the legendaries of anakins mythic battle, how would that work anyway lol
Just for the high ground moment! And Fallen Anakin will be a torso burning around....eh...just kidding!
Another Version of Kenobi would be nice and therefore they could use old toons again like QGJ and Mace in his journey so the could get a rework or like Anakin a touch up ( was it called like that? ).
And again CG would earn money with an old char by giving them a zeta or so.
Mace could get a Zeta! This would also push his fleet, so there would be more use of just needing him for a journey to get Kenobi.
On the hand i would like a new Kenobi a lot but on the other hand is GK still on top in arena and i dont think they would like to see two version of one char on top of the arena....
Also is a potential Fallen Anakin hard to classify - no real sith and no jedi anymore. He would rather be something like CLS - Dark Side Char but with no Sith Faction Tag!
Or else it would be weird with synergies.
Sidious, ok. But with whom else? Vader? Palp? would be really weird!