8 years ago
February speculation (MERGE)
I've seen hints, hints and speculation, that February will have something exciting to a large portion of the players: Revan. I'd love it if it were true, but I'm thinking if it's related to Revan at all it'll be a future release window for Revan himself. Here's my thoughts:
We've had two hero's journey events, so far. One in August, one in December. Months 8 and 12 out of the year. I anticipate Revan could be another Hero's Journey, set in April. And the groundwork will begin to be laid out in the coming weeks.
If I'm right, I'd expect at least two new characters to be required, in addition to characters that are already in the game. My guess is that this Hero's Journey would be the first to offer divergent paths, requiring different characters. If so, I'd expect more new characters to make each side require a bit of money to feasibly unlock Revan.
Assuming there are two paths, here's the required characters I'd expect for each pathway:
Light path (unlocks Master Revan, Jedi, Support):
Bastila Shan (New character, released in February)
Carth Onasi (New character, released in February)
Jedi Consular
Jedi Knight Guardian
Dark Path (unlocks Darth Revan, Sith, Attacker):
Darth Malak (New character, released in February)
Sith Emperor (New character, released in February)
Sith Trooper
Sith Assassin
Light Path would follow the formerly canonical events of KotOR. First part is the Taris segment, second is Dantooine, then Manaan, Kashyyk, & Tatooine, in no particular order, then the revelation on Malak's ship, then the Star Forge.
Dark Path would follow Revan's story leading up to and including part of KotOR, as told in the various Old Republic stories. First would be a Mandalorian War battle, then Malachor V, then Dromund Kaas, then a Jedi Civil War battle, then the fight with Bastila, then the revelation on Malak's ship, then the Star Forge.
This would make use of every existing Old Republic character, give us a few more, give CG a panic farm to monetize, and properly set up (via NPCs) a few new units to introduce down the road (Mandalorian soldiers, Mandalore himself, Mission and Zaalbar, and many others).
We've had two hero's journey events, so far. One in August, one in December. Months 8 and 12 out of the year. I anticipate Revan could be another Hero's Journey, set in April. And the groundwork will begin to be laid out in the coming weeks.
If I'm right, I'd expect at least two new characters to be required, in addition to characters that are already in the game. My guess is that this Hero's Journey would be the first to offer divergent paths, requiring different characters. If so, I'd expect more new characters to make each side require a bit of money to feasibly unlock Revan.
Assuming there are two paths, here's the required characters I'd expect for each pathway:
Light path (unlocks Master Revan, Jedi, Support):
Bastila Shan (New character, released in February)
Carth Onasi (New character, released in February)
Jedi Consular
Jedi Knight Guardian
Dark Path (unlocks Darth Revan, Sith, Attacker):
Darth Malak (New character, released in February)
Sith Emperor (New character, released in February)
Sith Trooper
Sith Assassin
Light Path would follow the formerly canonical events of KotOR. First part is the Taris segment, second is Dantooine, then Manaan, Kashyyk, & Tatooine, in no particular order, then the revelation on Malak's ship, then the Star Forge.
Dark Path would follow Revan's story leading up to and including part of KotOR, as told in the various Old Republic stories. First would be a Mandalorian War battle, then Malachor V, then Dromund Kaas, then a Jedi Civil War battle, then the fight with Bastila, then the revelation on Malak's ship, then the Star Forge.
This would make use of every existing Old Republic character, give us a few more, give CG a panic farm to monetize, and properly set up (via NPCs) a few new units to introduce down the road (Mandalorian soldiers, Mandalore himself, Mission and Zaalbar, and many others).