Forum Discussion

DarthBoozey's avatar
4 years ago

Feedback on recent changes

The past month has been a disaster for this game. The changes they made are inexcusable and short-sighted.

The stratification of GL’s and non-GL’s will be the death of this game. They think they are being clever. We all see it for what it is. Nobody is pleased about it.

As for me, for what it’s worth, I’ve been a consistent whale since 2016. I have spent a lot. When I spent, I didn’t regret it. I enjoyed the game so to me it was my entertainment fund, so to speak. I no longer enjoy this game. I now regret the money spent on this game. I now see the game is being administered in a manner contrary to good competition.

They forgot the most important thing— keep the game competitively balanced and fun.

CG has a right to make money from their game. Absolutely! But they have gone too far. They have traded what made this game so enjoyable in pursuit of a few more dollars. It is painfully short-sighted.

I will not spend another dollar on this game unless they go back to having non-GL’s at least competitive against GL’s. Not one more dollar. Done.

I hope they notice what I’ve been seeing. All my game friends are dismayed, All of them. And my guild is a top-25 TW guild. We have many, many whales. Nobody is pleased. Many are openly talking about quitting.

It’s never too late to learn from your mistakes CG. This new approach to making GL’s unbeatable without a GL will be fatal to the game. It has robbed the game of what made it so great.

(Updated to be more accurate about recent TW rating)
  • Been playing since the start. I've seen the top 20 go from all different teams to pretty much 20 of the same team. It is not fun to be funneled into using one team until the next team is released over and over. The coolest thing is diversity and people finding weird comps. It was okay a couple months ago. Now it's all Kenobi at the top. It was that way before the changes. It was fine. I don't understand the bizzare changes to target teams that counter Kenobi and Ashoka. Pretty much a 100% Sith nerf vs. kenobi. The force has balance of light and dark. Thanks for your consideration.
  • I simply don’t get it. Changing the Ai for Jmk is something that I can understand. It is to prevent cheese compositions but buffing him to an extent that makes an existing GL useless is something I don’t get. What’s next? Nerfing other gls so that they can’t beat Lord vader?