Forum Discussion

Rucous1's avatar
7 years ago

Fleet platoons

The character platoons were made so that you could always fill 3 and 4. I am wondering why fleet is not the same? Last light side and now this dark side my guild has been unable to fill 5 platoons due to sith fighter and Lando’s Falcon. This is frustrating since we are a 150gp guild and we are being punished for not buying two ships that are not farmable.

This cost us a star last LSTB. Come on CG throw us a bone here.
  • "DarjeloSalas;c-1625057" wrote:
    "Kyno;c-1624902" wrote:

    There is no official statement that, that is a rule anywhere. Therefore it can happen and some guilds not seeing it doesnt make it a regular thing.

    There are less ships, so platoon pulls will have less options and therefore more repeats.

    I’d love to see ONE screenshot of platoon 3 or 4 needing a marquee toon. Bet you can’t find one.

    And I will take a single quote from the dev team saying that that is a rule/guideline/ or anything they have promised or are trying to do.

  • "Kyno;c-1624902" wrote:
    "Rucous1;c-1624115" wrote:
    "Kyno;c-1624024" wrote:
    "Rucous1;d-179087" wrote:
    The character platoons were made so that you could always fill 3 and 4. I am wondering why fleet is not the same? Last light side and now this dark side my guild has been unable to fill 5 platoons due to sith fighter and Lando’s Falcon. This is frustrating since we are a 150gp guild and we are being punished for not buying two ships that are not farmable.

    This cost us a star last LSTB. Come on CG throw us a bone here.

    There is no official stance on how many platoons can or cannot be filled by non marquee toons. Any ability to fill 3 and 4 platoons is pure luck, and due to the fact that not as many DS toons have been released.

    Ever since they made the changes to put marquee toons in platoons. You should just not expect them to be filled and be happy when they are. It is the way it is, you are not being punished, this is an advantage that they pay for and has been since the system was changed a while ago.

    please reread my post the platoons for characters you can always fill platoons 3 and 4. They do not put new marquee characters in the third and fourth platoons! EVER! This gives guilds who are F2P a chance at getting a bonus. My post is about fleet platoons they should do the same as the do for character platoons. And I recall a long time ago they did take a stance on that. Because if they didn’t then many people would not give a rats hind end about doing TB.

    There is no official statement that, that is a rule anywhere. Therefore it can happen and some guilds not seeing it doesnt make it a regular thing.

    There are less ships, so platoon pulls will have less options and therefore more repeats.

    This is not a matter of 'some guilds not seeing it'. The theory is, that no guild ever saw it — official statement or not.
  • "terascque;c-1625258" wrote:
    "Kyno;c-1624024" wrote:

    You should just not expect them to be filled and be happy when they are.


    I just have a quick question for you. Are you sure your just a moderator and not a paid spokesperson?

    No disrespect intended, but I have never seen you agree with a post like this. When someone complains about something, your response is always its ok, its not broken, its working as intended, its not a problem ,etc.

    Now please read my post very carefully. I didn't say you never agree, only that I've never seen it.

    So I am just curious, why do you always toe the company line? Is it some requirement to be a moderator?

    I mean seriously, I can think of at least a dozen threads like this were you chime in, and haven't taken the side of the TC. What are the odds of that anyways?

    It really is ok for you to take our side for once instead of always or almost always spitting out the company line.

    My thoughts exactly. Usually I just skip Kyno's comments, no point to read them.
  • Here is an post stating he has 5/6 platoons with marquee toons. As I have been saying, just because you see something one way it does not make it a rule our always happen for everyone.
  • "terascque;c-1625258" wrote:
    "Kyno;c-1624024" wrote:

    You should just not expect them to be filled and be happy when they are.


    I just have a quick question for you. Are you sure your just a moderator and not a paid spokesperson?

    No disrespect intended, but I have never seen you agree with a post like this. When someone complains about something, your response is always its ok, its not broken, its working as intended, its not a problem ,etc.

    Now please read my post very carefully. I didn't say you never agree, only that I've never seen it.

    So I am just curious, why do you always toe the company line? Is it some requirement to be a moderator?

    I mean seriously, I can think of at least a dozen threads like this were you chime in, and haven't taken the side of the TC. What are the odds of that anyways?

    It really is ok for you to take our side for once instead of always or almost always spitting out the company line.

    I dont alway comment like that, but there is a difference between how things feel or seem and the way they are.

    I have said things about how it is, when they made this change. This change is what it is. I dont expect to fill platoons, not a 1. We will clear all TBs without any option help eventually due to natural GP growth and stronger toons.

    They made the change and there is no statment that it will be easier for anyone. Or that it will only be 4/6 or any other combination of non marquee toons. That is the reality. Is it fair, yes. This is an advantage that people who $$ are paying for. So let them have it and settle in to the reality and build up and around those things we cant change.

    I do things for the community, much of which many will never see. We speak to the devs on a regular basis and make sure posts about issues the community feels strongly about get seen.

    It doesnt mean it's going to change or that they are ignoring us. There is a lot of grey out there and many in the community thinks its black and white. I speak how I have always spoke about the game, look back at the beginning of my history. There are facts that people choose to miss or misuse because "they are evil", I just try to make sure people see there is a perspective on both sides and an avenue to a way that allows you to think about it without someone punishing "you".

    Marquee toons being in TB is going to happen. When there is alot of marquee toons there will be alot of platoons holding them. It's just a fact of the current setup. I don't have to like it or dislike it to be able to say that. I also dont have to be defending anyone, just because my point of view differs from someone else.
  • "DarjeloSalas;c-1625403" wrote:
    "Kyno;c-1625369" wrote:
    Here is an post stating he has 5/6 platoons with marquee toons. As I have been saying, just because you see something one way it does not make it a rule our always happen for everyone.

    I saw that post earlier. Without sounding disrespectful, it is written in a confusing way and I don’t think you can divine without doubt that they did have marquees in 3&4.

    I'm not sure why you think, 2 people cant debait a point without arguing or being disrespectful just by disagreeing.

    He pretty clearly states platoons 1,2,3,4 and 6. I know it doesn't prove your point and he could be wrong. But he very clearly states that and I dont see how it could be confused with a different statement. He even points out a toon being in one of them which means hes not talking about ships.

    I am sure about the points I have made, and I'm not trying to convince you i am right. You dont need to believe me, that's fine.

    As I have said it is possible because it has not been stated otherwise. There is no statements stating what you are stating as a rule or guideline they are following. That is not an opinion that is a fact of the matter.
  • "DarjeloSalas;c-1625612" wrote:
    Who has been disrespectful? You haven’t at all and I don’t think I have.

    As stated in the thread where the post comes from, I don’t think it’s clear. I’ve asked the poster to clarify. Let’s see what he says.

    Scientists assume there must be life elsewhere in the universe. With all the other stars, galaxies, planets that have been observed, surely there must be?! But until actual verifiable proof is found, we can’t say for certain.

    You assume that there must be a guild who had non-empire toons in ground platoons 3&4. With all the other guilds out there, surely there must be?! But until someone comes up with a screenshot, we can’t say for certain.

    I’ve trawled the forums for such a screenshot. I can’t find one.

    I did find this though,

    Which displays pretty convincing data that platoons 3&4 are Empire, (non legendary or marquee) only. Every person commenting mentions the same thing about those platoons.

    I’m not disagreeing with your statement about the lack of any dev output that this is intended to be this way. You’re right. But if it truly could be random, then they must have contained non-empire toons at some point for some guild. That’s the proof I’m looking for. And until the original poster of the aforementioned comment clarifies what they meant, I’m still convinced.

    I was making that comment because you keep saying things like " no disrespect", it's just a friendly debate and I was just trying to say that it's not necessary.

    The search function on the forum is currently broken or I would also be saying the same thing. I'm not saying that the screenshot exists, and as I said maybe I'm wrong, but I do firmly believe I'm not. There is also a fairly small staple size of guilds represented on the forum.

    My point about the dev statement is that people are acting like the system has changed, and the stated guidelines for the system are pretty simple, 1-3 are locked, and 4-6 are open to any toon/ship. This includes marquee. The system has not changed at all, it is exactly what they have stated.