Forum Discussion

Nikoms565's avatar
6 years ago

GA Algorithm - Worse Than Before??

So I was excited that the GA matchup algorithm was going to be improved. I was also excited for GAC to start (correctly this time). The I go into my first round matchup...

The person I am against in round 1 has 220k more character GP than me (2.882 million to 2.661 million). Has a 7*, g12+5 Malak (I don't have Malak at all). Mod-wise he has:

68 15+speed mods to my 36.
57 100+offense mods to my 26.

This is not an improvement. This is far worse than any matchup I have ever faced in any previous GA. It's not better - it's worse. Please fix the game mode - especially if this is going to be the long term "dominant" mode to replace arena.