"Fluffy" does not impact you under current matchmaking. Matchmaking is primarily based on the total GP of your top X many units.
Which units you choose to invest in also does not impact current matchmaking. The difference the matchmaking algorithm sees between my G12 zBastila Fallen and my G13 zRose Tico is about 150 GP. That is because utilization is on you. Not on the algorithm. It assumes you have a plan to use everything you've invested in to the point where they're one of your top units.
They never said the goal was to give every matchup a 50% chance. They have explicitly said that is not the goal; that some matchups will have you at an advantage, others at a disadvantage. What they have talked about is keeping matchups reasonably competitive and reducing the blowout rate. But your performance remains mainly in your own hands.
A large part of performance in Grand Arena is knowing the game and the relevant threats, preparing defensive teams who are difficult to counter and offensive teams that can counter the relevant threats. If your opponent has developed a team that you have not developed a counter for, they have earned their win fairly.
Also, at this point, Darth Revan and Darth Malak are quite free to play accessible. I haven't dropped dosh, but I have both of them. It ain't a F2P/P2P divide. And JKR has been around for so long that leaving yours so low is entirely on you.