Forum Discussion

lovey948's avatar
9 years ago

Galactic chore

Please please please make galactic war shorter ... I dread playing it as it takes up too much time this is a mobile game please realise this.
I don't care if you want it to be hard just make it shorter a game mode should not take over 30 mins, in its current state I'm lucky to do it in an hour.
Come on guys work with us please
  • Some of us have a life mate and in a world where p2p dominate giving up on gw would give an even bigger disadvantage
  • "Darling_Ventress;536927" wrote:
    So go play a game that only requires 30 minutes. This is not one of them.
    Change your playing habits instead of trying to change the game for everyone else.
    If you have a life that is so important then you shouldn't be wasting it on a game like this.

    I really do enjoy the other aspects of the game but GW is awful. However, it is kind of the only reliable way to get credits in the game so I have no choice. I really wish I could do it in like 5 min because when I'm busy I just don't have the time to waste on it.
  • I agree takes too long. But to save time, I would rather sim challenges. Then I will be happy to do GW as it is. GW is the most fun chore. Just get rid of the time, somewhere else even.
  • To be honest if it wasn't Star Wars I wouldn't bother but I've invested time and effort to just give it up like that
  • EA Jesse responded on this and I wouldn't hold my breath for any further changes. It's a mini game that expects attrition, multiple squads, to complete. P2P has nothing to do with it. Some of us have been playing this for 8 months now and having a filled out roster does make the difference. I don't auto through GW, I move nicely along until node 6 then get stuck for a bit, again at 8 or 9, then 11 and possibly 12. That's just me though. I know that the randomness of this game makes it a unique situation for everyone. I need to sacrifice a couple of squads and break my time up on finishing it. It doesn't take hours and hours, perhaps 45 - 50 minutes at most but I don't do it all at once either. So, is it really a problem or can we all just move past this? I personally think that GW and Raids are about all we have in this game that require some effort. The events are some times challenging as well, but it's hit or miss.

    Also, I spent almost 2 months where I couldn't complete it, but I spent my 400 or 600 guild coins per day on character shards and in the end it paid off.
  • "Darling_Ventress;536858" wrote:
    Why does this have to be said again and again? If you only want to play for 30 mins. then just play for 30 mins. and stop. Let the rest of us indulge ourselves.

    Actually, overwhelming majority of ppl find GW to be tedious and unfun completely. Both whales and ftp alike. There is a major thread that is like 60 pages long of people who are not happy. So yes, I think ea should start listening to the community.
  • whales dont even bother completing GW, they just buy what they need they dont need to waste their time
  • I'm happy with Galaxy War the way it is. It's my favorite thing about the game. I just wish I could beat the last node like I did before.
  • The rewards increased! But you gotta FIGHT for them.

    "Fight for your rights, fight for your LIFE!"