I agree with StarSon,
It has been said many times, that it is not intended to be beaten daily, but yes, once you have certain teams and or a deep enough roaster, it is completely possible to clear it daily. Can I clear each node with a different team ? IDK, that might be a bit more challenging, and something I honestly might try.
Yes, Resistance does make the overall chore of GW much easier, but it is not the "only" team I run, I equally run my Arena team, Zeta FO team ( fyi, it use to be able to full clear GW, can not any longer, but is great against certain teams in there :P ) even ran my Pheonix team for a while, trying to learn different ways of using them in TB. DN lead teams, also can do well in GW.
But again, this is going to come down to the size of your roaster, and where your focus has been in terms of your collection as to when you are going to be clearing it every day. If people want the short easy answer to clearing it daily, you already have heard it. Get Zeta Finn and gear up a Resistance team, and you are going to clear 95% of the nodes with that team with zero issues. The 5% left, you can reset and try a different order with Resistance, run a different team to soften them up and make the other team blow their CoolDowns, or run a different team and beat it. But in a nut shell, there is the easy answer.
GK+Zarriss can pretty much them start to finish as well StarSon, for your list of teams that can do a full clear.