Forum Discussion

pjtqhkzyb0a2's avatar
Rising Rookie
19 days ago

GL Rey with SWOLO

Hey guys just went up against the classic rey w swolo combo team I killed swolo about 12 times while Rey was showing 0 health. It eventually timed itself out. Pretty sure this is broken bc I know you need to take Rey into the red 2x which I did but swolo still would not die which meant Rey was immortal is this a bug?

  • Ben can only die when Rey is in the yellow and Rey can't die if Ben is alive. Ben revives when your leader takes a turn. 

    So after you trigger DI on both, get Rey in the red (preferably with heal immunity), kill Ben and then kill Rey before your leader takes a turn.

    • pjtqhkzyb0a2's avatar
      Rising Rookie

      Yes I had Rey in the red with those attacks but ben kept reviving anyway

      • rayloc420's avatar
        Seasoned Novice

        I think it has to do with turns.  If you kill swolo, but rey takes a turn he revives.  I think that happened when i used starkiller. I usually kill him with malicos now so he doesn't revive.

        rey is terrible 

  • It's all in Ben's kit. He revives so much against Starkiller because EP gains so much TM