There are many posts expressing sentiments along the line of:
"Kyno;c-1712993" wrote:
...they have built for different game modes. collecting vs being competitive in various degrees. someone who has built a wide collection may not be able to compete against someone who has built up for TW.
This is not wrong, but it is also missing the main issue of matching equal GPs. Ultimately, this is a resource management game. This means that spending resources always comes at an opportunity cost. If I spend my resources on building my arena team, I cannot spend the same resources improving my TB requirements. This is fine and as it should be.
The problem is that by matching players by GP,
galactic power itself is being turned into a resource. GP for GP high gear characters are much more powerfull than many low gear characters if the same total GP. This would be fine if GP was more or less proportional to the amount of actual game resources spent. However, it is not. To build 2M GP roster consisting solely of gear 12 characters takes much more (orders of magnitude) game resources, then building a 2M GP roster build solely of gear 8 characters. Consequently, by matching the two (extreme examples) you are matching players with vastly different total resource investments, which seems (to me) against the spirit of the matchmaking.
GP is intended as a manner of keeping score. It should therefore not suddenly be used as a resource. This is completely against the spirit underlying the notion of GP. Increasing your GP should never be a bad thing. If two ways of spending your resources in game equally improve your effectiness for say GA, but way A increases your GP by more than way B, this should not count against way A. If anything, if ways A and B are otherwise equal, the nature of GP suggests the player should prefer A. Equal GP matchmaking does the opposite.