We have been asking for years to get a 1v1 arena where we can match up against our guild mates or allies for FUN (no rewards)… instead we get another matchmade offense vs defense TW clone 1 v 1 battle that will be semi required to do or else we miss out on the rewards, even if it was 100 social currency reward we would feel obligated since you've gotten so stingy with it. I am sorry but are you guys listening to the player base or just adding what ever random ideas you come up with? The original Tournaments were terrible and I expect this to be a bit better but basically nearly as terrible.
I'm sorry for the negative post but the current TW matchmaking is one of the biggest complaint threads in the forum, so you double down on it? My guild has won over 40 TWs but I still don't think we are fairly matched and honestly feel bad for our opponents. Now with this system even if I win, that means 7 other players didn't. In what world where 87.5% of the players are loosing be considered a fun game mode?