Forum Discussion

FireyRei's avatar
6 years ago

Grand Arena: no

As I, and no doubt countless other people mentioned weeks ago, basing matches on GP is a set-up for failure.

I have an opponent now, I have the same teams, but one 'small' problem: all his/her teams are completely superior. Minimum 10k GP higher, clearly higher gear etc. I used up four teams alone attacking one, the lowest powered, and still can't beat that team, and there are 4 others to beat higher/much higher GP.

Best solution: quit. There's no point stressing myself further.

Hop next time the tables are turned and my opponent is clearly weaker.
  • "Scuttlebutt;c-1798920" wrote:
    "FailingCrab;c-1798907" wrote:
    "Scuttlebutt;c-1798835" wrote:
    "Rath_Tarr;c-1798830" wrote:
    "GambrinusKluk;c-1798722" wrote:
    "Javick_Starage;c-1798689" wrote:

    The matchmaking is completely broken.

    Frankly, those that argue for it do it purely out of self-interest because they’ve followed the “perfect” farming line.

    The only people that have that opinion are those with a crummy roster. And the only person responsible for that is the guy you see when you look in the mirror.

    So stop blaming matchmaking and start working on your roster. Or just don't join GA if you are that unhappy when you see how much better other people have done on their roster.

    I think matchmaking is completely broken and I am on the verge of winning my third GA, two of which were squad-only (a 3v3 and now a 5v5), despite having around 50% of my total GP in fleet.

    This GA I beat two opponents who had around 150k more usable GP and one who had 300k more but made lousy strategic choices. I only have around 900k squad GP to work with.

    None of those match-ups were good. They were mis-matched on GP and also on player skill.

    My current opponent has 400k squad power on me plus he demodded many of his mid range toons. I bet with mods, he would have about 600-700k squad power on me. This is certainly a fair match...and I’m supposed to work on my roster instead of blaming matchmaking lol.

    My strategy for winning this match: hope my opponent forgets to attack.

    While I agree that counting ship GP in character GA is silly (and so do CG since they plan to change it), there's a little hyperbole here. A full 6E modset adds 1,899 GP. The difference between every single toon having full 6E mods and every single toon having no mods is less than 300k. There's no way stripping mods from 'many of his mid range toons' has dropped the discrepancy by 2-300k.

    Lol math done while frustrated has a tendency to lead to errors.

    You’re right though in that it’s probably closer to 80-100k I just did some quick scrolling through his roster. It looks like just his main teams have mods, so probably 40-50 toons without mods (some g11 and g12 with no mods).

    Somehow this guy already lost a match. He must not be paying attention to GA, so my strategy may work!

    Well, I just checked again. He got a full clear of my defense and near perfect score. I don’t have enough to clear his defense. My lack of roster development is to blame...