Forum Discussion

FireyRei's avatar
2 years ago

Grand Arena punishment

I've been playing on and off since the beginning, and my roster is far from the efficient/refined roster we see today with players who began in the past few years.

Matchmaking is clearly still heavily based on GP, and my near-7 million GP puts me at a higher rank (certainly not that high but higher). I am matched against players with down to even 4 million GP, and they wipe me. It's 50/50 I would say, I win some and lose some. Quite simply, newer players are far more refined and certainly have not wasted materials nor time on levelling up useless, or unuseful characters - but I have, like many earlier players, invested in characters that simply are never used today.

I have one GL, and my recent opponent at around 5 million GP had two GL's and a few very high relic teams that were too challenging for me. Simply put, as soon as I saw his defense, I knew the match was lost. I have nothing whatsoever to beat a JMK team. Even my one SLKR-led team lost against that player's Relic 8 General Skywalker team.

The point: Why match players against ones they have nothing to beat them with? The algorithm, however matchups are decided is doing what? Looking at every team possible I make? If so, this is futile. In reality we have only a few teams that can be put on defense, so that automatically should tell the system 'This defense is impenetrable by this player'.

In no way do I want to keep winning, I accept and hope for a challenge; however, there is no challenge whatsoever when you have nothing to beat the opponent with.

In conclusion, I strongly feel like 'older' players who invested in characters years back when they were relevant/useful but now are redundant are being continuously punished, for those characters add up to a higher GP which is not indicative of the real usefulness/power of a roster.

In the very least, I would like to see some kind of compensation: disregard characters under a certain power level, or deny them entry into the battle at higher tiers. Why not have at higher tiers no characters under GL12 disregarded from the total GP? Surely, something like this would force the newer players who invest entirely in GLs with imbalanced rosters to level up teams not GL-associated in order to ascend the tiers?

Right now, there is no balance at all in player rosters, particularly with this obsession with GLs. Not to mention how unuseful they can be for guilds with no e.g. Seperatist teams to help the guild.
  • This might be the first time someone made a thread to say they need to stop facing lower GP players.
  • This is a new one. Complaining about unfair matchmaking with a multi million GP advantage.

    Not that GP is everything, but still a new take.
  • Scruminator's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    "Kameleonic;d-262944" wrote:
    I've been playing on and off since the beginning, and my roster is far from the efficient/refined roster we see today with players who began in the past few years.

    I’m going to focus on this part more than the others since the problems you’re facing mainly stems from this.

    If you play off and on, your roster will of course be less refined than those who have started playing since the time you started. They’ve spent more time in the game and participated in more limited time events to gain certain characters. Realistically you cant expect to compete with those people on an equal footing.

    Now GP based matchmaking hasn’t been a thing in GAC in a long time. You’re matched solely with the people around your assigned skill rating, which is determined by win/loss only. It sounds like you’re currently on the path of being demoted to a point where you’ll be able to be matched up with people more fitting to where your roster is at.
  • You're going to be in a worse situation if you were only matched with people near your GP as many of them have far more than just one GL. With a 7m GP roster and only one GL, you've got to be pretty close to having the requirements for at least a couple more GLs. Why not spend some resources investing in unlocking them. It might even the playing field for you a bit.
  • Scruminator's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    I’ve faced people with every GL and 3m GP on me and still won. Most of my matchups are actually with people at a higher GP. If you expect to lose, you will.

    Skill rating alone dictates who we are matched up with.
  • "BubbaFett;c-2416708" wrote:
    "DarjeloSalas;c-2416656" wrote:
    There is no matchmaking. There is no algorithm. GP is absolutely irrelevant to who faces who in GAC.

    You and everyone else has a skill rating. Win, it goes up. Lose, it goes down. You are matched with the 7 players directly adjacent to you in the skill rating ladder, period.

    This really needs to be a sticky somewhere on the forums or automated so that every time someone complains about the matchup CG "gave them" it just automatically pops up....

    OP, why on god's green earth should you deserve "some kind of compensation" for not having more than one GL at 7 million GP? Conversely, why should someone who wisely invested their resources be "punished" for having done so and grinded out a GL?.... Separatist squad? The game practically gives you a separatist squad in the stores....

    Your post history also indicates a lack of basic understanding of the game, including having accused an opponent of cheating even though you were attacking a team they had left on defence....

    In looking at your roster, if you want to progress out of Chromium, you need to focus more on building teams and not spreading your resources so thin. If you work on that, and your understanding of the game, you will do much better..

    1. It's weird you look at previous posts, like, stalky weird.
    2. God.
    3. What player 'invested wisely' 7 years ago until now? Given the currently available training videos for newer players, they obviously have a major advantage.
    4. I don't want to progress out of anything. I want a fairer matchup.
  • "Salatious_Scrum;c-2416711" wrote:
    I’ve faced people with every GL and 3m GP on me and still won. Most of my matchups are actually with people at a higher GP. If you expect to lose, you will.

    Skill rating alone dictates who we are matched up with.

    Absolutely nothing in my roster can defeat a JML team. That's being a realist.
  • "TVF;c-2416718" wrote:
    This might be the first time someone made a thread to say they need to stop facing lower GP players.

    Skimming through my post and nope, don't see where I say that. Quote the exact words, please.
  • "herd_nerfer;c-2416709" wrote:
    You're going to be in a worse situation if you were only matched with people near your GP as many of them have far more than just one GL. With a 7m GP roster and only one GL, you've got to be pretty close to having the requirements for at least a couple more GLs. Why not spend some resources investing in unlocking them. It might even the playing field for you a bit.

    It took one year of pure focus to get SLKR unlocked and geared up. One character. That is the most unentertaining thing I have ever done in a game. All the characters available, and we are forced to do that or try and enjoy whatever characters have been made available. This game is not about enjoying everything available, it's about towing the line or get mocked by people, like ones here right now.
  • perfidius44's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    "DarjeloSalas;c-2416849" wrote:

    It’s crazy to expect the game to adapt systems just so people who drift in and out of playing can continue to be competitive.

    Funny part is: the game does adapt its system, because as you explained before, the lack of matchmaking means OP will keep on losing until they face players they can beat.