Forum Discussion

Stenun's avatar
6 years ago

I'm still not convinced ...

There is a claim I have seen repeated several times on this forum that the percentage chance of a node dropping its primary reward is 30%.
I remain unconvinced.
Firstly, if this was the average then I would have roughly as many days above that % as I do below. That's how an average works - it's in the middle. If I see 5 days in a month dropping less than that then surely I should see at least a few days per month dropping more? But I never do.

Also, it seems obvious to me that certain nodes have different drop rates from certain other nodes. Is the 30% figure supposed to be the average for each individual node or is it the average across ALL nodes? Because I'd be more willing to accept the latter but some people seem to insist it's the former.

Anyway, I'm curious as to who else agrees with me that the 30% claim is wrong.
  • mhsiegel14's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    Yeah ... the science part of my brain says that. Doesn't feel like it, tho.
  • "Hal_10000;c-1729201" wrote:
    Doesn't feel like it, tho.

    This is the point - your feelings fool you. Numbers don't.
  • ^ this guy gets it. Make this a sticky in its own thread.
  • "TVF;c-1724967" wrote:
    It's not an average. It's an individual rate on each attempt. You haven't tracked anything, let alone a statistically relevant sample size.


    That means each turn it battles out as: 30% vs 70%. Most of the time the 70% will win definitely. Just tests how lucky you are in those attempts, just like casino.

    If you are unconvinced, try fighting against PA in Dota with maxed out Evasion lol you will feel the odds lol. Even at 50/50 its a double edged knife. just to give an idea no promotions whatsoever
  • Farming Mission Vao for 3 months now in cantina.
    Ratio: today 0 of 8. Yesterday 0 of 9. Days before maybe 2 of 9. Very short time of 3-4 days with better than 1 of 3. First month with good will 1of 5 or 6. count every day if above or under 1of3. For cantina and especially mission i can not find the “magical“ the math is right.
    But in 100 years there sure will come a winning strike with 1of1 for a whole year and sum it will be still under the 33% ratio.
  • Everybody says around 30% is the average but nobody said that every player will be in this range.

    If in one week one player get one shard for every attempt and two other players get nothing the whole week it's still 33,3% in average, game just isn't fair to everyone.
  • The nice part about rng is that now I'm due 150 dbast shards on my next 50 attempts!
  • "Liath;c-1770812" wrote:
    "Starkomat;c-1770790" wrote:
    Farming Mission Vao for 3 months now in cantina.
    Ratio: today 0 of 8. Yesterday 0 of 9. Days before maybe 2 of 9. Very short time of 3-4 days with better than 1 of 3. First month with good will 1of 5 or 6. count every day if above or under 1of3. For cantina and especially mission i can not find the “magical“ the math is right.
    But in 100 years there sure will come a winning strike with 1of1 for a whole year and sum it will be still under the 33% ratio.

    The fact that you are using the word maybe and only counting “above” or “below” is sufficient evidence that you are not properly counting drops in any meaningful way.

    I am using the word “maybe“ because of my very good will, actually it is worse. Above/below is a good summation for daily performance check. Your words are sufficient evidence for your very disrespect. the assertion iam not “count properly“ is insulting. If you have nothing to say in any meaningful way, then please say nothing at all.

    Kisakee is right about the game is not fair to everyone, but it should be at least over a period of time.