Forum Discussion

o2poroprg31k's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
3 months ago

Inactivity Regarding Blatant Cheats

Can we please have a more timely response to reports of blatant cheating in pvp modes. The top 20+ of our fleet shard is populated with maxed-out Negotiators, Profundities and Executors yet a guy who hasn't even broken 500k GP and rocking  a 5star Executrix at lvl 73 (and comparable mismatched ships) is climbing to No1 without issue. Must be one hell of a gamimg chair.

Everyone at the top end of the shard has invested significant time and/or money to be where they are. They are legitimate players and customers. This person hasn't and isn't, yet they are given a carte blanche to cheat without consequences, because of inactivity or poor response time. Every day they are allowed to get away with it is another day that all of us are being cheated. Win/lose, as long as its fair, no issues. And this isn't uniquire to my shard, its the same for other shards where this issue isn't being dealt with quickly enough.

I have reported this guy in-game and I daresay everyone else has too. I cannot post screenshots for obvious reasons, but if anyone reaches out to me, I can provide what you need. Please fix this. Cheers.

  • My shard has a 6* Tarkin taking out 7* Levis, so it's out there.  One response was that CG will eventually "batch" ban cheaters, so apparently their thought is we should all wait.