Forum Discussion

InyakSolomon88's avatar
4 years ago

Is KAM mission getting fixed before LS Geo?

Is CG going to fix the KAM mission in time for LS Geo? We know they can't fix it mid-TB, as they've asserted in the past they can't do such things. I went and checked the dev tracker and it's still being investigated.

Only a few days left and we still don't have any word on a fix, just CG's promise at the end of the last TB they'd have it fixed for this one. And of course no mention, ever, of any compensation for them breaking the mission in the first place by their own actions. It'd be nice if we customers stopped being punished because of developer screwups. Or, if we're going to be hindered by bugs since they are quite plentiful (and in some instances never seem to get fixed), we could get compensated for those bugs interfering in our gameplay experience.