Forum Discussion

The_Mstr_Micah's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
31 days ago

Issues with Ultimate Journey Events

We all know that these events aren't easy, SLKR seems to be tough for a lot of people.  However, why can we sim these events when we achieve the almost daunting task of 3 staring the events? Please do us a favor don't put us through that torture again we've proven we can do it, we don't get anything more rewarding by doing it over and over again. Please CG look into making these simed and also check why SLKR's so much harder than the others.

  • MasterSeedy's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot

    Just going to say that I don't mind not having the sim option available instantly, but this was discussed when the event was still new (2nd or 3rd time around) on the CG forums. 

    Players need information on this stuff. Even if your plan is not to allow sims for the entire first year, just announce that. It may sound disappointing to some, but it's at least information that lets us know you're actively considering it. 

    You put a bunch of work in on these events, and you don't want that work to be irrelevant. You want the missions to get played multiple times to justify the hours put in on your end. That's fine. 

    And it's also fine to start out with a longer time frame than you need and then cut it back. You could, for example, start with something like, "We will allow these events to be summed someday. We don't know exactly when that change will be made, but current thinking is that qualifying for sims will be done separately for each UltJourney battle, and each one will require 3 stars on that battle plus 20 wins on that battle." And that gives you an insane amount of lead time to talk about this, and then if you come back after 12 months and say, "We've decided to introduce sims next month. The qualifying number of wins will only be 10, though those are counted separately for each battle and simming will still require having achieved 3 stars on that battle." 

    It matters that those of us who are busy have hope that the time investment for things like this will go down eventually. I won't say that video games are built on hope, but long-term investment strategy games like SWGOH can eat into other hobbies and activities. Let people know what you're thinking. Yes, there are people who will scream and complain if you change your mind, but use the Montgomery Scott principle and you will always keep your reputation as miracle workers no matter what galaxy you're in. 

    So please, if you're not planning on allowing UJ sims soon, just tell us so that we can make good decisions for ourselves. 

  • We spend so much screen time on conquest for two weeks leading to ultimate journeys. And we have ROTE. And GAC. Please save us screen time on things we have three stars and just let us sim them. You gain nothing making us repeat them and it only hurts players. 

  • I agree with both comments. Some of the battles are super easy, even autoable, like JMK, LV, SEE. Others range from not-that-hard-but-still-a-chore to what-the-**bleep**. And right now, we have 8 GLs, so 8 battles. What happens when we have, let's say, 14 GLs? We already have to worry about Conquest, TBs, TWs, GAC, Raids, the hour specific fleet payouts, who knows what else. I don't know about everybody else, but I do have or would like to be able to do other things during the day besides worry about a mobile game. They could make it so TBs happen only once a month (with double rewards of course), then only 1 week of TWs, then the 2 weeks of Conquest. That would still be a major time save. As it is right now, half my day practically goes by because of all these events.

    • CaptainAhen's avatar
      New Traveler

      Agreed. My guild frequently has conversations about how much longer we’re going to continue the game, because it’s so time demanding. We’re working adults with families and other hobbies. No need to not allow SIM on some things when it exists for so many others, especially when the difficulty is so often ramped up for newer events. 

      I don’t even run my guild. I can’t even imagine how much more time guild officers put into the game with having to coordinate all of us.