Forum Discussion

LoganHandpants's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
2 months ago

It’s 2024, people. Your game crashing this frequently is absurd (rant)

After every TW battle; in the middle of GAC; during fleet climbs. This is absurd now. Can’t even play the game without it crashing. It makes me not even want to play anymore after 8 years. New content is great but why not fix the **bleep** you know is broken…. 

Just poor QA and product management. As a technical product manager in my real life job, if I were to release something like this in my organization they’d question my entire career or abandon/not adopt the feature(s). Classic ‘feature factory’ mentality to churn out as much content as possible without focusing on stability or performance (aka “quality”) of the game. 

It’s cool you’re fixing smaller things like upgrading abilities or updating portraits (real value-add smh…), but if you introduce a new button, or whatever it is, that constantly breaks connection to the game what’s the point? By fixing one thing you create 5 new, more painful bugs/defects. I’d love to see how these things are prioritized by the product team. I guarantee you it’s fixing/implementing the things that earn money instead of QoL. 

$20 says when GL Ahsoka is released we see even more issues and “unexpected behavior” due to lack of QA. 

Rant over. 

  • Well said bro I feel the same and for android users the game is just unplayable I'm on my last legs and haven't really got many words left anymore its never ending. Was playing for 5 hours a day until the update, ( I do have 2 accounts and I don't know why!!)