Forum Discussion

Blu3bird666's avatar
5 years ago

KAM Mission

so can we get any information when cg will fix the issues with the KAM mission @CG_SBCrumb ?

people still lose characters to invisible burning THREE months after ls geo tb was released

and i ask again how you handle all the double shards that were given because of your bugs
there are still people out there that already have unlocked KAM because of a bug/exploit just fixing the bug doesnt make things alright

it is really depressing that you pretty much use all your ressources to make new bugged stuff just because of schedules and $$$ instead of fixing the important stuff

2 Replies

  • Not many people can even enter the mission, therefore not many people complained about that bug yet, so this bug is in low priority list
  • They will get to the burning fix as soon as they deal with much more important bugs, such as the damage output of tuskens.