Forum Discussion

Tonyrob715762's avatar
6 years ago

Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura (Rework Idea)

Kit Fisto Rework
Light Side, Attacker, Jedi, Galactic Republic
Versatile Jedi Attacker with multi-attack, counter chance and a variety of ally buffs.
Lightsaber Mastery (Basic Lvl 8 Omega): Deal physical damage to target enemy with a 50% chance to attack again (Max of 3). Kit Fisto gains 15% turn meter per attack, and other Jedi allies gain 5% turnmeter per attack. (Damage: 5444-5910, +1000 Damage)
Turn the Tide (Special Lvl 8 Omega, Cooldown of 3): Deal special damage to all enemies and inflict potency down for 1 turn. Grant all Jedi ally critical chance up, offense up, evasion up and tenacity up for 2 turn. (Damage: 4904-5314, +1000 Damage)
Jedi Protecter (Leader Lvl 8 Omega): Galactic Republic allies gain +40% Tenacity and gain protection equal to their tenacity percentage. Galactic Republic allies recover 10% of their protection when they score a critical hit.
Superior Bladework (Unique Lvl 8 Zeta): Kit Fisto has a 75% counter chance and 40% offense. In addition, whenever Kit Fisto counters, he recovers protection equal to the damage dealt. If Ayala is present, she recovers protection when she counters as well. (Zeta included)


Aayla Secura Rework
Light Side, Attacker, Jedi, Galactic Republic
Versatile Attacker with high survivability through dodge, hit points and self healing.
Inspiring Strike (Basic Lvl 8 Omega): Deal physical damage to the target enemy with 65% chance to call an ally to assist. If the assisting ally is a Jedi or Clone Trooper they deal 50% more damage. (Damage: 5619-6105, +1000 Damage)
Survivor (Special Lvl 8 Omega, Cooldown of 3): Deal physical damage to a targeted enemy, inflict daze for 2 turns, and recover health equal to 70% of the damage dealt. Aayla gains stealth til the end of her next turn.(Damage: 8947-9735, +500 Damage)
Jedi Valor (Leader Lvl 8 Omega): Galactic Republic allies gain 40% tenacity and gain health equal to their tenacity percentage. Galactic Republic allies recover 10% of their max health when they ward off detrimental.
Superior Riposte (Unique Lvl 8 Zeta): Aayla has +25% critical chance, +75% counter chance and +50% critical damage. In addition, Aayla and Kit Fisto if present, stun their targets for 1 turn whenever they land a critically hit. (Zeta included)


Previous Rework
-Mace Windu (