Forum Discussion

avsfsapo's avatar
2 years ago

Krayt...Manual play and RNG...bad?

I am getting annoyed at Krayt raid...more and more every time i play it.
Raid has to be played in manual for best rewards...takes considerable time. WORSE...RNG is a BIG factor...i can do damage between 200k and 350k (with jawas) different tactics...just RNG or such...and it takes 5+ tries to get a good enough score...i DELIBERATLY avoid doing the same analysis for the other teams...i play once and submit...otherwise it will destroy my motivation...
THIS^^ is becoming boring and annoying...i try not to do the same on every team...otherwise play time would be far too long and repetitive. KRAYT is becoming something that i do out of obligation...and bear in mind i like GAC, conquest and all other modes...this is actually the FIRST thing that is making me not play.
SUGGEST STRONGLY next raid is different...making players play same raid 15 times or more will NOT make them happy...and i dont believe the eventual profits will be worth it in the long run...RAIDS should be fun...if MANUAL, they need to be shorter...if AUTO, rewards should be more consistent. Fix it, pls!

To save my mind i now aim at more, no less...i dont care about improving it and doubt i ever will. I play all teams and submit...leave jawas for last and see what i need to make the 1 million. FIRST TIME i had to make a "dumb" plan like this...

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