While I agree that higher GP doesn’t equal better player, neither does lower GP roster that never meets higher GP roster. The current system rewards immature rosters in Div 1 (and possibly other tiers)
To an extent. But there is a flip side. I have what I would describe as a relatively underdeveloped roster - and sit at around 5.2mGP. But my GAC compliments are horrendous. A close match for me is someone that has less than 1.5m GP more than I do. It is not uncommon to go up against players pushing 7m and in a few cases I’ve been matched against players in excess of 8.1m GP. That’s a 2.9m GP deficit - to those complaining about 200k gaps - let 2.9m GP sink in. We all have both GL’s. So there is no comparative advantage there but the roster depth and resilience is very different. My opponents can afford to spend multiple teams to take out my 1 GL team on Defense and still have full relic’d toons on defence and enough offense to 1 shot everything else. I get 1 shot per team - if I lose - it’s over I don’t have an endless supply of teams to call on.
On fleet? Malevolance and the Negotiator fully max’d as standard. An innate advantage that high GP players have that doesn’t get considered much.
The solution is simple - break up division 1 into brackets where there are ceilings and floors that take GP into account.