Forum Discussion

thejanpan's avatar
8 years ago

Looking for ARENA shard mates: Space Oliver, Mike, Morat, DTA Lood, REJINA, Darth Mutt, NSC biobia

If anyone of you are on here or know of any way to get in contact with any of these fine folks please pm me. I am I2ed Janpan and I am on discord and Line and would love to add any or all of you so we could talk payout times and what not. Thanks for any help!
  • Hi

    I'm morat in game my payout is 7.00pm GMT am on discord on morat#8939 if you need me
  • @nimroad2 yes please! If he has discord I'm janpan#4606. Thanks so much!
  • Hi, I'm RobArt. My Payout is 5pm GMT and I am on discord: Rob-Art#9589
    I've been kicked twice today, looking forward to get to first Place. Really unlucky ;)
  • Hi, Gang! I'm typically not capable to breach the top 10 of our Shard but it is nice to meet some of you when my *** isn't being repelled by your squads. B)

    Discord Zag Nuttz# 1519
  • Hello
    Im ,, piloiupaul ,, in the game. My payuot its at 16.00 gmt . My Line id its ,, decebalusrex ,,.
    Thank you
  • Hey Shardmates!

    I'm ManofBeer in game and on discord Man_of_Beer#2530

    Usually use discord for twitch / ps4 stuff but some guildmates suggested I get in touch with shardmates and play nice as it works out much better that way. I've looked before but never really found anyone until this post. I sent a bunch of friend requests - look forward to joining shard chat.

    Most my my guild's swgoh stuff is done on Line ... line id manofbeer

    Payout is at 7PM EST on my end.