The biggest gripe everyone has with this is how you freely take things away or make them more difficult. You know its human nature for people to become accustomed to a certain response say finishing GW or a 100% drop rate on mods or a fixed cost to leveling them.
When you change that, it frustrates them, and they feel the sunk cost, all the value and investment put in be it time money luck or all three down the drain.
This game is bogged down by the RNG. When a client update can give double drops or a 100% drop rate you know that it was engineered to make you spend. Every time there is a level cap raise or a new character to chase it becomes harder. GW were adjusted today and it is not enough.
None of the rewards have scaled, level 80 requirements, level 60 rewards.
The credit crunch is real. Believe me in these past two days I spent 100 usd and none of the credit packs went to level a character but a mod, not promote a character but buy from the mod shop.
Mod battles and challenges don't give nearly enough credits.
Then, wholly unannounced, 6/7 * mods are available in raids. Had this been said before, my decisions in the past 24 hours would've been much different. Not to mention that scanners were nerfed and they are now useless for the raid. I have 2 bought and 100 salvage pieces and for what. This is what angers people a lack of communication. For a worldwide 24/7 game there is little relayed.
Design the game so that it is accessible for everyone but is slow enough so that an ftp and a whale will still need to be engaged in the game. Raids were perfect, the rewards are slow enough to engage all and a superwhale could spend 5000 energy on the last activity and only get 200 more guild coins than someone who just spent 400.
People are more engaged when rewards are infrequent but significant. RNG is to simulate a slot machine right? Then have a random but consistent payout, no confirmation bias.
What I feel is with the 6/7* mods on heroics there is little incentive for me to do the mod challenges. In fact with the nerf today why bother at all.
Bronziums - much like above, their functionality has improved but the rewards are tuned for a new player -with tier 1 gear and shards for easily farmed characters. Change them so that the lvl 60-80 salvage gear, 100 times the credits and more full character drops.
Shipments, the ones at the bottom need to be tuned also. I no longer care for mk4 stun gun salvage, ill pay 5* to get 3 mk5 stun gun salvage or mk3 stun cuffs salvage.
Mod shipments: aff more tier 3/4 mods to buy even rarely like the raid gear in shipments, tier 6/7.
There is more feedback I could give but I think this is enough for now.