Forum Discussion

HermeticOath's avatar
8 years ago

Mods are going to make me quit

I've been playing the game for well over a year. Lots of starred.and geared characters. Even spent money occasionally. But I have been avoiding mods, and it is starting to be my bottleneck.

I hate them. I hate farming them, with drop rates that are crazy low. I just don't seem to get anything worthwhile from challenges... The right side of all my characters are empty. I save up for mod packs, but they are rare. I would buy them ,but rarely see 5 dots for sale for cash.

Am i missing something? I see F2P players with full rosters of five dot mods... Did they just get them at the beginning before the drop rate nerf?

If there isn't an easier way that banging my head against a .01% drop rate for the next year and a half, I am ready to call it quits.

How to mod?